Craig Joiner

Craig Joiner

I am a professional photographer based in North Somerset in the West Country of England. I specialise in landscape and seascapes of the West Country but also photograph many other locations in Great Britain including South Wales and the Lake District.

My camera of choice is a large format film view camera which records a huge amount of detail that smaller digital cameras simply miss. I use colour transparency film to ensure great colour and tone. I love the slow and thoughtful methodical approach required to operate a view camera and find it the best way to immerse myself in the landscape to photograph it.

I also use medium format film cameras and digital cameras where situation dictates. With a smaller camera I can get myself into positions that are just not practical with a large camera.

After a long period of "seeing" only in colour I am suddenly finding myself looking at the landscape in monochrome a great deal in recent weeks. I don't know why this has happened, but I'm enjoying the experience and looking forward to sharing the results.

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